Get Rewired & Healed at Mind, Body and Spirit Level
- 25000+ IMPACTED
4.9/5 Google Review (800+Reviews)
Get Instantly & Permanently Benefitted by Alternate Sciences
Heal the Past, Present and Future
By Healing traumas, Being an Emotional Master, and Aligning towards better Future
Get Freedom from the need to Repeat Counselling Package
By Learning reusable Mind & Energy Tools, for true Self Empowerment
Hear the Feedbacks from those who got Healed
Vasantha shattered her anger & hatred
Akansha got rid of sleeping pills permanently
Arvind's guilt becomes zero
Meenu's pain becomes zero
What Will You Get If You Book A 1-1 Healing Journey With Me

Reprogam the Emotions
- How to reprogram your mind for confidence
- How NLP creates instant and permanent changes in stub-born patterns of negative emotions like fear, hatred, anger, hurt
- How to disempower old painful memories
- Self Image Test for reality of inner confidence

Release the Emotions
- How your body keeps the count
- How you create diseases, anxiety, depression by continuously suppressing your emotions
- How to release the stuck emotions
- Test your relationship with self affecting all your relationships

Heal the Emotions
- How you are an energy body having a physical body and not vice versa
- How you absorb energies and create energy debris, cracks and holes
- How to lock and protect your aura
- Test your energy drainage
If You Book A 1-1 Healing Journey With Me
Learn Reusable Lifetime Mind & Energy Tools To:

Change the Emotional States Instantly

Remove the past hurt or wounds permanently

Release suppressed emotions like anger the right way

Know the real deep inner reasons for low self esteem

Be Free from Anxiety

Break the repetitive pattern of failures

Learn to Say No confidently

Stop being people pleaser

Get free from stuck emotions & energy

Stay Happy when externally nothing great has changed

Know the science behind Evil Eye

Become fearless, confident, limitless
This Healing Journey awaits you if you are
A Homemaker
Who feels frustrated & overwhelmed by her emotions which are asking for release.
Who suffers faded confidence while craving appreciation & respect by family members.
A Parent
Who is guilty of releasing their suppressed emotions on their children.
Who don't want to pass on their disempowering mental and emotional patterns to their children.
A Working Professional
Who lacks courage and confidence to excel, blocking the growth inspite of the skill.
Whose stress levels are taking a toll on personal and professional balance.
A Business Professional
Who seeks clarity, confidence and productivity along with mental peace.
Who wants to be perfectly motivated and disciplined to justify the potential and the vision.
A Healing Seeker
Who is looking to learn healing tools to enhance mental & emotional balance.
Who is seeking answers & methods to break karmic patterns and accelerate spiritual growth.
Who wants to be self-master of thoughts, emotions & vibrations for desired life.
Who is looking for positive change, personal growth, healing at mind, body & soul level.
Transformation is Conscious Choice. Take the First Step and Heal Your Life.
BUT WAIT! That’s Not Everything! Unlock These Amazing Bonuses worth ₹10,000/- For FREE!
Certain Facts You Might Not Be Aware Of

Everything is just a Pattern, whether Happiness or Sadness

Body Pains are because of Suppressed Emotions

Your Decisions are Emotions based, Logic comes later

Your Confidence is dependant on your self-image file

You are more than your flesh and bones

You absorb others energies and patterns

Your unresolved traumas and conflicts are waiting to be addressed

There is a part in you who doesn't want your dream life

You were born Confident & Divine, The Environment Messed it up

Procrastination can be an Emotional baggage and trauma response
Jyoti Ma'am Breaking Stuck Emotional Patterns in Just 1 Session
Arshpreet doesn't believe he's anger free
Anu becomes hurt resistant
Suresh got free from 15 years anger
Geetanjali got rid of anger because of betrayal
Shreya smashed self doubt and tapped into confident self
Kaberi decoded her throat's pain as emotional baggage
Neeta's anger goes 0 and confidence 100
Chinmay Smashes Interview Fear
3 Reasons You Need A 1-1 Healing Session With Mind Coach Jyoti

Johri Window - You have Blind spots
According to Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham, you have Open area, Blind area, Hidden area, and Unknown area in your consciousness. So there are high possibilities that you will not be able to see your own deeper structures and patterns that are blocking your transformation. You need an expert to decode them and install empowering structures and patterns in your mind, body and soul.

Accelerated Support - You cannot figure out on your own
Your mind gives up when it reaches 60% of its potential, that is when you need an external stimuli or a handhold - to use and justify the infinite potential you are born with. Humans are hardwired with the idea of Community and Support for growth since time immemorial. One of the deeper reasons that we are stuck on "others". No one has reached the top alone.

Time is Money - It saves years of figuring out
The weaker mindset saves money and energy by spending time. Like finally figuring out what works in life and relationships after suffering for 8-10 years delaying success. Whereas the smarter and successful people spend money and energy to save time like engaging with experts, mentors & coaches for quick problem-solving. Thus, accelerate their journey to success because time is limited & non-renewable and life is all about managing your time, energy & money.
Select the boxes ☑ if your answer is Yes
- I cannot retain motivation for very long?
- I've done enough of deep breathing for my anxiety?
- I don't know what will make me happy
- I want to change my habits
- I don't know when I lost my confidence
- My past haunts me and future worries me
- I'm finding a solution for my over-sensitivity
- I want to master my emotions and thoughts
- I want to keep learning to become the best version of myself
- I want to create my desired life

If You’ve Checked ☑ Any of these boxes above, You MUST Join this 1-1 Live Clarity Call with Mind Coach Jyoti Mehta.
This session will equip you with all the tools you need to win in Life.
Ask Yourself These Questions
- Are there some mental and emotional patterns in me that I can't find the reason of ?
- Why am I not able to apply my knowledge to transform myself ?
- What is happening to me that I am losing my confident self ?
- For how long do I want to keep experiencing stress, fear & anxiety ?
- Why do I procrastinate, cannot retain motivation and thus kill my potential ?
- What exact tools, strategies or plans I have to overcome all the above permanently ?
- The Clarity Session Itself Will Help You To
- Understand how mind and body are one system.
- Understand the need and the power of a high self-image.
- Know your level of self-image.
- Realize that there is an entire world of easily applicable and highly efficient methods & techniques to alter your life, that you are completely unaware of.
Look What Our Participants Telling About their Amazing Experience and Transformative Results

What an amazing coach Jyoti is. She is just made us laugh with remembering one of our happy moment of life and realized me that we don't need external source to be happy. And that Tiger story to explain the anxiety is just awesome. Now I can imagine how is tiger in my life easily. and I can deal with them easily. Thank you Coach Jyoti.

I have joined two courses, Ultimate Self Mastery and Focus Smackdown, and I have found a good impact on myself. These courses give me the clarity to understand myself better, now I can find the reason for whatever is happening with me, once I can find it, I can manage it. So, the most important thing, I would say, I got is inner harmony, skill of dealing with my mind, now I can come back to my equillibrium in a lesser time, I am transforming. A heartly thankyou to Jyoti Mam.

Jyoti mam is just rocking. She explains everything superbly. I attended an NLP workshop, I enjoyed it thoroughly. I suggest everyone attend her workshop n course. She explains some unique yet simple techniques to reprogram our mindset that help us to achieve our goals and desires. I am fully satisfied and looking forward to join the full time NLP course. Thank you sooooo much, mam 💕

Jyoti mam is just rocking.She explains everything superbly.I attended a NLP workshop,I enjoyed it thoroughly. I suggest everyone to attend her workshop n course.She is so friendly and has so much patience. She explains some unique yet simple techniques to reprogram our mindset that help us to achieve our goals and desires..I am fully satisfied and looking forward to join the full time NLP corse.Thank you sooooo much mam 💕

I feel very lucky to have you as a mentor🙏 Thank you for mentoring me and allowing me to be a part of the community + attend all sessions whenever you're offering them as well as benefit from your various experiences. 🧡I admire all that you do, and I hope to follow in your footsteps. Your leadership has made me strive to fulfill my true potential. I hope in near future I'm able to make a Good Platform of My OWN & Make You Proud 😇 Keep your BLESSINGS ON🤞🤞

A must for those who are looking for a balanced life in our day to day life. The instructor is fearless and so straight forward that it made us realise what we had been missing previously. Also no matter what, I haven't seen anyone replying to a plethora of questions even in introductory master classes. hats off to you Jyoti & your Team, Keep growing, keep progressing and influencing the life of people.
Jyoti Mehta is an internationally certified life coach who has mastered 11 healing modalities with special expertise in N.L.P, Reiki and Akashic Records. With a background as a Master in Mathematics and a Master in Education, her Coaching & Healing is a perfect amalgamation of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Sciences.
Born in a village, college topper, a daughter, a wife and a mother, Jyoti Mehta is the founder of “Demystify Life“, a life School where she provides more than 30 courses for self-empowerment at the Mind-Body-Soul Level. She coined the term “Karmic Ho’oponopono”.
She is an Alpha Female, leading, healing & nurturing life-long self-growth transformative communities for imparting self-mastery at thoughts, emotions, focus, abundance, aura, and vibrational levels to create the desired life. Her hand-holding is her USP!

Check out Some More Transformational Stories
Shaveta's Fear goes 0
Ishan's dip feeling goes to 0
Devjani tapped into calmness & comfort permanently
Archana gets free from anger!
Khayati's Transforming Community Experience
Jyoti Ma'am's hand holding for the community
Tina creating her dream life through self mastery
Sabiya not getting anxious and triggered in the same environment
Frequently Asked Questions
Once you register, you will be redirected to appointment page of Mind Coach Jyoti Mehta where you can book a 1-1 Clarity Call for your Transformation & Healing. A customised plan with modalities like N.L.P, Akashic Reading, Energy Healing will be created as per your issue for your transformation & healing.
After making the payment and booking the 1-1 Session with Mind Coach Jyoti, you will receive the Zoom Meeting Link on your Email.
Please Note that No Reminders will be sent to Join the 1-1 Session.
Yes, once you register you will get 4 Bonues worth ₹10,000/-absolutely Free after your session with Mind Coach Jyoti Mehta.
The duration of this 1-1 Clarity Call is 30 minutes.
Please Note: No Counselling or Healing will be done in these 30 Minutes. These 30 minutes are precisely to figure out, which tools, techniques & modalities will resolve your issue.
A learning and investment mindset, paper & pen and in-distractable time.
The clarity calls are not recorded. Therefore, No recordings can be provided.