Ultimate Self Mastery
Learn How to achieve Mental and Emotional Self Mastery by healing Past, Present & Future with N.L.P.
- without Daily Meditations
- without Deep Breathing
- without Listening to Motivational Speeches
16th February, 2025
07:00 PM- 09:00 PM

Hear the Transformations from the Lifetime Self Master Community!!

What is RRH Formula

Reprogam the Emotions

Release the

Heal the
Also Learn How To:

Change the Emotional States Instantly

Remove the past hurt or wounds permanently

Release suppressed emotions like anger the right way

Know the real deep inner reasons for low self esteem

Be Free from Anxiety

Break the repetitive pattern of failures

Change the sad, cribbing depressive versions of you

Learn to Say No confidently

Stop being people pleaser

Get free from stuck emotions & energy

Stay Happy when externally nothing great has changed

Rewire your thinking and feeling patterns forever

Test your level of Self Image

Know the science behind Evil Eye

Become fearless, confident, limitless

Be a Self Master
Be a Self Master
Join This Workshop If You Are :

- Who was always told to stop crying
- Who is tired of suppressing his emotions in the name of being a man
- Who wants to decode the inner calmness for happy and prosperous life

- Who was always told to sacrifice via toxic positivity
- Who is tired of continuously seeking appreciation and validation
- Who wants to find inner happiness and fulfilment

- Who is under confident and under -achiever
- Who suffers with extreme low self esteem
- Who wants to crack personal and professional balance for inner joy and happiness
Also If You are Someone who agrees to:

If you checked ANY of the boxes above, then you’re invited to join The Transformative
"Ultimate Self Mastery Workshop".
Some of the other Side-Effects of RRH Formula

Most of the diseases start from acute anxiety. Body pains are due to stored stress and suppressed emotions in the body. Anxiety and many body pains will disappear.

Receiving Money is your vibration which is made of thoughts and emotions. Self Mastery makes you abundant. All Low vibrations will be cleared from Mind, Body and Spirit.

Your relationship with others is a reflection of your relationship with others or traumas still stored in you. All your relationships will be healed, the moment
you are healed

Negative Emotions keep you stuck & stagnant that career growth takes a back seat. A happier and calmer professional will out perform a stressed one. Do RRH for better focus and productivity

7 Life Changing Break Through Bonuses worth ₹6999/-

You will learn and know that it is Easier than you think to:
- Change the emotional states instantly
- Remove the past hurt or wound permanently
- Rewire your thinking & feeling patterns forever
- Become fearless and confident
- Break the repetitive pattern of failures
- Change this sad cribbing version of you
- Release suppressed anger
- Know the real deep inner reasons for your low self esteem
- Say No and stop being people pleaser
- Be free from anxiety
- Release body pains
- Feel happier when nothing externally has really changed
- Become limitless and stay motivated
- Get free from stuck emotions and energy
- Know the science behind Evil Eye
- Learn to protect your aura
- Test your level of Self Image
Featured in

Know Your Transformation Coach
Hi, I am Jyoti Mehta, Internationally Certified Life Coach and Master to 11 healing modalities.
With more than 12 years of experience as educator, I propagate self education after school education. Being an academic topper I felt helpless at many points in my life and went on a quest to battle the patterns of fears, failures, stress, depression and anxiety. I spent over 20 lakhs learning life skills and healing modalities from world class trainers like Vishen Lakhiani, Ajit Nawalkha , Ken Honda, Jim Kwik, Marisa Peer, Jeffrey Allen and many more.
I empower people with easy and effective mind tools not taught in schools to accelerate a transformation journey for their desired life.
The workshop is an attempt that people know how to handle their thoughts, emotions and vibrations and be a Self Master leading a happy, successful and prosperous life.

Frequently Asked Questions
Once you register, you will receive a welcome mail.
The joining zoom link will be shared via Email & WhatsApp Message on the actual day of workshop.
Please check the Spam and Promotions tab in your Inbox if the mail doesn’t land in your Primary tab.
This workshop will start at 07:00 PM
Anyone who is interested in creating anxiety-proof confidence, lasting changes in mental and emotional state
A learning mindset, your best-self, a notebook & pen to make a lot of notes along with a water bottle.
This is a live workshop by Jyoti Mehta. So no recordings will be provided.
Hindi and English Both